The following talks have been given and publications have been written partially or alone by Tobias Kluge.
Various blog posts about Microsoft Azure, Cloud Native, cloud engineering and artificial intelligence at
DIN-Delegationsreise nach Berlin
Tobias Kluge: Campus meets Symfony2 – Overview and hands on 2012
Alexander Maier, Tobias Kluge: ERNI Technology-Letter Nr. 32: iPhone Development. 2010
Diploma thesis: MyConnector – Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Context-aware Communication Service. 2006 [PDF, 3 MB]
Maria Danninger, Tobias Kluge, Rainer Stiefelhagen: MyConnector: analysis of context cues to predict human availability for communication. ICMI 2006: 12-19 [PDF, 1 MB]
Maria Danninger, Erica Robles, Leila Takayama, QianYing Wang, Tobias Kluge, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Clifford Nass: The Connector Service-Predicting Availability in Mobile Contexts. MLMI 2006: 129-141 [PDF, 1 MB]
M. Danninger, G. Flaherty, K. Bernardin, H. K. Ekenel, T. Köhler, R. Malkin, R. Stiefelhagen, A. Waibel: The Connector – Facilitating Context-aware Communication. ICMI 2005. [PDF, 1 MB]
Florian Metze, Petra Gieselmann, Hartwig Holzapfel, Tobias Kluge, Ivica Rogina, Alex Waibel, Matthias Wölfel, James L. Crowley, Patrick Reignier, Dominique Vaufreydaz, François Bérard, Bérangère Cohen, Joëlle Coutaz, Sylvie Rouillard, Victoria Arranz, Manu Bertrán, Horacio Rodriguez: The “FAME” Interactive Space. MLMI 2005: 126-137 [PDF, 1 MB]
Studienarbeit: Agentenkommunikation – Einsatz von FIPA/ACL zur Modellierung der Kommunikation zwischen Dialogmodell und Applikation. 2005 [PDF, 1.5 MB]